I got this idea from over here at Growing a Jeweled Rose. I will warn you though, this activity was almost a big bust with Mr. P. He was sooooo excited that I was making him a special bath time activity. I actually had to lock the bathroom door because he kept opening it and saying "Is my special bath ready yet mommy?" When I finally let him in he came running and then stopped short. "What is that mommy?" I explained the different things to him and tried to put him in the tub and he was not having any. I explained again, and let him touch the grass with his hands and told him he couldn't do the egg hunt if he didn't get in the tub. He finally got in and in the end he cried when my hubby told him he had to get out.
Want to make your own special Easter Bath?? Here is what you need:
~ Easter Grass - I used 4 bags, I really would use a few more. It was not quite enough to fill the tub and cover the eggs.
~ Plastic Easter Eggs - I used mostly the mini ones and they worked well for hiding in the grass.
~ A bucket for collecting the eggs
~ Food coloring
~ 4 containers
~ Shaving cream
~ Foam paint brushes
I filled the bathtub and added blue food coloring to the water. (This did not stain the tub nor Mr. P.)
I threw the grass in and then the eggs. I tried to get some of the eggs really hidden in the grass. (This is where a few extra bags of grass would have helped.)
To make the bath paint I put shaving cream into four containers and then mixed in some food coloring. Easy Peasy and Done!!
Checking out the bath. He was a little unsure of what mommy had done to the tub.
Your turn! What kind of Easter Bath will you create for your Little??
Growing a Jeweled Rose has a TON of awesome bath time ideas. So many in fact that she has actually started a website dedicated to just bath time fun. It's called Bath Activities for Kids. Here is her most recent bath post.
Doesn't it look like a BLAST in the tub!
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