Monday, February 3, 2014

January Challenge Update

If you want to read my initial post about my 2014 challenges click here.

This year I decided to challenge myself to be intentional in 3 ways.  Faith, Love, and Finances.  Don't get me wrong, there are a ton of places I could challenge myself but I wanted to keep it attainable.  It's not too late to join in if you are looking for a way to challenge yourself.

     To be honest I am not doing quite as well as I would have liked with reading my bible, but I can say that I am reading the bible a few times a week.  This is A LOT more than I was doing before and I have already made it through more of the bible in a sequential order than I have before.  All in all, I am not to disappointed with my progress.  I am only about a week behind on the reading schedule.  My reading has prompted A LOT of questions.  Thankfully, I have a very patient and knowledgeable husband who is willing to listen.  I am glad I decided to take on this challenge!  Still want to join in?  Click here and scroll to the Faith Challenge.


Here is our little money jar.  Cute huh...I keep meaning to "pretty it up."  I think the fact that we have successfully placed the money in it for a month now is more important than how it looks.  For me it is rewarding to check off the box each week and then watch the amount increase.  I even put an extra dollar in...big spender I know.  Want to join me on my finance challenge?  You can jump right in and deposit $15 this Sunday and then pick up from there.  Click here and then scroll to Finance Challenge.


I am super excited!  The new February Love Calendar is here from the Dating Divas and it has some really cute activities.  Hubby and I have enjoyed completing some of the daily challenges.  We have not done all of them but we have completed quite a few.  It has helped us make sure that at least a few times a week we are taking a moment or two or more to focus on US.  Us, as in, husband and wife....not mommy and daddy.  Earlier this week, spending time with my husband and being thankful for my husband and making sure he knows it took on a whole new meaning.  A dear friend of mine lost her best friend after a battle with the H1N1 virus.  I had met her a few times and she was always so sweet!  It shakes you up a bit when a tragedy happens to someone your own age.  She and her husband had been married for a few years and had their whole lives in front of them.  It reminded me that we never know what tomorrow holds and that we must be intentional about what we do with today.  I hugged hubby a little longer that day, and I am glad we are making a pointed effort to show our love for each other.  If you want to join in click the image below and you can print the calendar.  Also, you should click around their site.  They have a TON of great date/love/marriage ideas.


And so, that's where my challenges stand for January.  I am pretty happy with them and how much I am accomplishing on them.  Did you take any of these challenges with me?  Leave me a comment and let me know how you are doing!!



  1. I've taken on a savings challenge - I never spend a five dollar bill. They automatically go into the savings box. It has made a huge impact on my spending habits. When I would normally pull in the drive thru for a soda, if all I have is a "five" & my debit card I keep on driving.

  2. I started a financial challenge, but a different one. I'm saving any $5 bills I get. It adds up quickly and has even impacted my spending habits. Fewer visits to Krispy Kreme when you have to use your debit card for one donut!
