I started this idea last summer with Mr. P and he LOVED it!! Mommy School (hope I am not infringing on anyone, I have seen this name used several times around the net) is a dedicated time I do an activity or set of activities with a specific purpose behind them with Mr. P. Sometimes it is a craft, some times a learning activity, or sometimes a cooking activity. The point is that I have something specific in mind that I want to accomplish with Mr. P or something I want us to explore together. He LOVES that he gets one on one time with me (to the best of my ability) and he enjoys the learning that goes along with it. Soooo...I am going to try to post what we did the previous week each week. Thant way I can let you know exactly what to do to make the activity successful. Usually 3-4 days of activities.
Week 1 Activities:
Follow My Path - Prewriting Skills
I saw this idea over at Meaningful Mama. Mr. P needs to work on his writing skills but I wanted to make it fun. This is similar to a maze but what I liked is that I can make the path wide to start with and slowly decrease the size. As I was drawing the paths I also thought about some of the motions he needs to do to write his name.
DIY Lego Board Game - Counting/ Adding/ Subtracting
I found several game boards around pinterest, but I could not find a printable one that was good quality. The one I used was very blurry when I blew it up to print it. I went over it in marker and it served its purpose but I will probably make my own for the next time we play. I will post an update when I do.
Bingo Paint Markers - Letter Recognition/ Number Recognition/ Fine Motor Skills/ Name Writing Practice
We used these last summer and Mr. P requested to do more activities this year when I told him Mommy School was coming back. I think I picked them up at the Dollar Tree. I wrote all the letters of the alphabet on a large sheet of paper. Then I wrote them again and cut them up and put them in a container. Mr. P had to draw a card out, identify the letter, then find it on the paper and put a mark on it. We repeated with number 1-20. He also enjoys just playing with them, so I gave him a big sheet of paper and he traced his name and drew pictures. (You may want to do the name and pictures first to let them "play" with the tool before using it for other purposes). I found that we could only do a few letters at a time because he loses patience. Oh well, these games will last us a while this summer.