Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Blessings

     Every new year we make all these resolutions of the things we want to change.  Most of the time our lists are daunting and difficult and only serve to remind us of how far from perfect we are.  At the end of the year we realize we have accomplished little, if any of our resolutions, feel like failures, and then start the process all over again.
     Now don't get me wrong, having goals is important and wanting to improve our lives is worthwhile, but getting so caught up in the process is not healthy
     This year instead of resolutions I am going to count my BLESSINGS.  There are SO many things already going right and good in my life.  I don't want to lose track of those things.  So without further ado here are 10 blessings I already have in my life.

In no particular order:

My Job - I love being a teacher.  While it can be very trying at times, I truly do enjoy helping each of my students reach their potential and celebrating their accomplishments.

~ My son - My little guy just lights up my life.  Being three, the world is a great big place of discovery.  He is so bright and quick witted.  I enjoy watching him learn new things.  When he runs up to me and says "Mommy, I missed you!" and throws his little arms around my neck (even if I just ran out to store for a minute), it makes my heart melt.

My Mom and Dad - My Mom and Dad might be the best mom and dad ever.  They are always there for me and my family, and they have fantastic relationships with all the grand kids.  I love my daily chats with my mom on the way home from work.  Many times she has listened quietly while I rant and rave about an issue.  My parents offer suggestions, but I feel like they try hard to listen to what I have to say too. My Dad is always around when we need help with the house, or building some crazy project for our little guy.

My In-Laws - You never know what you are going to get with your in-laws.  Mine are great!  Despite it taking some time to get to know each other (being so far away makes it difficult), I feel that they have made, and continue to make an effort to get to know me.  This past Thanksgiving I was able to cook side-by-side with my mother-in-law, in her kitchen, and we had a great time!  It means so much to me.

My friends - I don't have a ton of friends, but the ones I do have are genuine.  Many times our lives get so crazy that we don't get to see each other much, but when we finally get together, we fall right back into conversations.  I LOVE that!

My Church - After years of searching for a church with a pastor that I could connect with we have finally found it.  He has answered so many of the questions I have had about Faith in the past.  I have learned more in the last year and a half than I had in multiple years before.  I am looking forward to continuing my growth in my Faith.

~ My Husband - He is the most AWESOME husband ever.  He always supports me (even if he thinks my idea might be a little crazy.)  He helps me around the house, and is an amazing dad to our son.  I love watching them play together and grow their relationship.   

My God - This past year I have grown closer than ever before with God.  I know He is working in our lives everyday.  I am learning to rely on His plan for my life and for our family.  While I am far from where I want to be, I look forward to making our relationship even greater.

My Pregnancy -  I am super excited that our little girl will be joining our family in March.  So far everything has been great with this pregnancy and I feel very blessed to say that.  The blah feelings, joint/ back aches, and excessive trips to the bathroom (even in the middle of the might)  are all made bearable by remembering the beautiful miracle God has given our family!

My Brothers, Sister-In-Law and Sister-In-Law To Be - I can't say enough good things about my extended family.  My brothers, sister-in law, and sister-in-law to be are AWESOME! I love that we get excited to all get together. All the cousins play well together. I might not have any sisters, but my brothers sure did do a good job of picking out two awesome women to be my sisters-in-law.

     With so many AWESOME blessings already in my life I am super excited about what 2013 holds for me and my family.

What about you.  What blessings are you counting this year?


1 comment:

  1. Point well made. I like the idea of focusing on the blessings you already have. We are all guilty of taking the little things in life for granted. We should look for our blessings more often and the world might be a happier place. :-) I think the biggest blessing most people have is the ability to love and to be loved. Afterall, God IS love. Happy New Year.
