Tuesday, January 22, 2013

In the Kitchen {New Menu Additions}

     So recently, I have been trying to find a balance between homemade dinner and convenient food.  I like knowing what goes into my food, but I am not always successful at keeping up with this.  Also, I am not the only one who cooks in my house.  Who else you ask........why, my AMAZING husband cooks at least a couple of meals a week.  I know, I am greatly blessed to not only have a hubby who cooks, but he cooks pretty well too.  However, he does not like overly complicated recipes or having to do too much prep work.  (Especially when we have both worked a full day.)  With this in mind, on top of the fact that if it is quick and easy we are a lot more likely to make it and not order pizza or Chinese (which are less than a mile down the road from us.) 
     I have been doing some searching and this week found two new additions for our menu.  Hubby approves of both.  One is quick and easy, the other is just easy. 
     So.......without further ado, here are the two new additions.

Next time, we want to add mushrooms because our family LOVES mushrooms.  However, they were quite delicious the way they are.  Took me maybe 20 minutes to prepare.  I added some fruit to our plates and dinner was ready!

At first you are a little hesitant to plop your whole chicken on a BED of rock salt, but it DOES NOT make the chicken salty.  The flavoring from the lemon and garlic are subtle, but yummy.  The chicken was moist and perfect.  I had to add about 10 minutes of cooking time to mine. (4lbs chicken)  I served this with red mashed potatoes and steamed veggies.  YUM!!
And there you have it.  Two new recipes to give a try.  I have a few more lined up for later this week and next.  I'll let you know if any of them make the list.

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